Sad news: Paddington Bear has died

Sad news: Paddington Bear has died


norman lebrecht

June 28, 2017

The death has been announced of his author, Michael Bond, aged 91, yesterday in London.

Here’s his theme tune.


  • V.Lind says:

    RIP Michael Bond, by all accounts a true gent. But Paddington Bear will live forever.

    As will M. Pamplemousse and Pommes Frites.

  • Fritz Curzon says:

    He lost his “voice” 23 years ago, though I don’t know whether his creator and voice ever actually met.

  • Eric says:

    Oh come now. That headline is just wrong. Paddington Bear did not die….

  • Adrian says:

    This being a musicians’ website let’s celebrate the composer of that iconic theme tune – Herbert Chappell.