Did Bob Dylan crib his Nobel speech?

Did Bob Dylan crib his Nobel speech?


norman lebrecht

June 14, 2017

A journalist has found 20 close similarities to the SparkNotes crib site on Moby Dick.

Maybe it wasn’t Bob that copied it. Maybe one of his staff…



  • Alexander says:

    like Dylan’s laureatshiFtcy like his speech …. like father like son

  • Mike Schachter says:

    You can’t expect a mega-genius to write his own speeches. Serves the Swedes right, publicity seeking nonsense from a bunch of ageing trendies.

    • Alexander says:

      I’ve got your point , “mega-genius” sounds seriously 😉 probably “of all times” was omitted

  • Mark Henriksen says:

    I find it interesting that a 76 year old entertainer who has 20 tour dates in the next 30 days is being carped at over bupkis here.

    • Sue says:

      A colleague of mine in teaching, well over 10 years ago, said she’d recently been to a Dylan concert – having been a lifelong fan – and said it was dreadful; a disgrace. And she was a dour woman not given to hyperbole.

      • Mark Henriksen says:

        “The times, they are a changin’ ” and maybe she is just unable to, if she really is that dour.

  • NN says:

    There is a quote in German which is said to be from Leonard Bernstein: “Wenn man nach islamischem Recht Dieben eine Hand abschlagen würde, dann gäbe es unter den Komponisten und Schriftstellern viele Einarmige.” Probably a translation into English could be something like “If you would knock off the hands of thieves according to islamic law then there would be many one-armed composers and writers.”

  • Joel Stein says:

    He had to rearrange its phrases and give it all another name…

  • Pamela Brown says:

    It does seem that when Dylan has to do something he doesn’t really want to, such as write this speech, he can take shortcuts…