Unofficial: Met Opera picks new principal flute

Unofficial: Met Opera picks new principal flute


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2017

Word is racing round the flute world that Chelsea Knox has won the coveted vacancy at the Met.

Chelsea is assistant principal flute of the Baltimore Symphony.

The Met has yet to confirm.


  • Doyle Avandale says:

    It is a face that will open a thousand doors.

    • Wai Kit leung says:

      I thought US auditions were held behind a screen?

      • Bruce says:

        Preliminaries behind a screen, then finals without a screen, is standard practice for US orchestras. The Met is famous for keeping the screen even during the finals.

  • NYMike says:

    Her stellar lineage: Wm. Kincaid, Julius Baker and Jeff Khaner.

    • Bruce says:

      Also, working backward: Kincaid —> Barrère —> Taffanel. Most US flutists are descended from Barrère one way or another; most flutists everywhere are descended from Taffanel.

  • Go Os says:

    UNOFFICIAL: Congrats Chelsea!

  • Flutist says:

    There are 2 new principal flutes at the Met – Chelsea Knox and Erik Gratton

    • Siamese says:

      What will happen to Demarre McGill, one of the current Acting Principal Flute players? He left his job in Dallas, presumably with the expectation that he’d land the permanent Met job. I’ve heard him perform many times, and he’s outstanding!