Lang Lang statement: I’m with CAMI
mainAfter a week of media silence over his agency switch, the Chinese pianist has issued this statement:
Jean-Jacques Cesbron and CAMI music have been my manager for over ten years and will continue into the future.
The reported news of this changing is untrue.
CAMI music and I are excited to have CAA assist us in exploring opportunities in new areas.
who cares?
It sounds as if he’s got different agencies now handling different parts of his activities and “branding.” CAMI might do tour booking whereas as the West Coast agency tries to place him in ads or sponsorship deals. If Lang is smart, he’d also have a trusted accountant or financial adviser to make sure that he invests wisely. There’s no guarantee he’ll still have celebrity status in 10 or 20 years from now.
He’ll be a beloved elder statesman, cultural ambassador for some good cause, and quite possible a teacher. He gives a good Master Class, so I think he has the ability to bring on others.
This poor boy couldn’t carry a phrase on a stretcher. The cognoscenti will continue to avoid him in droves, while the descendants of Liberace’s fans continue to applaud him in-between movements and at every crashing cadence. Enjoy!
you made me laugh 😉