An opera about Arsenal Football Club

An opera about Arsenal Football Club


norman lebrecht

May 05, 2017

The longest soap opera in British football is the saga of the once-successful Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, who clings to his job despite winning nothing much for years.

Time now for a proper opera.

Highbury Opera Theatre has commissioned artistic director Scott Stroman to compose an opera from Nick Hornby’s Arsenal-fan novel, Fever Pitch. The librettist is Tamsin Collison and the work will premiere in September, just as Wenger or his successor is trotting out a new team at the Emirates.

The opera will last 90 minutes.

Plus injury time.

Who gets to play Wenger? (Bostridge would be brilliant.)

Colin Firth in the movie, Fever Pitch


  • Emil says:

    A tragicomedy?

  • Paul Kelly says:

    Never mind Wenger. I was one of the throng standing on The Kop at Anfield the night that Arsenal beat Liverpool 2-0 to win the League (as featured in Fever Pitch). Now that was a tragedy,

  • Jimmy says:

    I think if it’s based on Fever Pitch then Arsene Wenger isn’t going to feature.

  • Charles Grimes says:

    “Winning nothing much for years”??
    What about the FA Cup?
    On average about 750 clubs enter the FA Cup every year.
    Arsenal won the trophy in 2014 and 2015.
    This year – 2017 – they’re in the final.

    It’s a record that most of those 750 clubs would die for.