This music is supposed to help you concentrate

This music is supposed to help you concentrate


norman lebrecht

April 24, 2017

press release:

Following the first TV episode of ‘GENIUS’ about the life of Albert Einstein (Sunday April 23rd/NatGeo), we’re delighted to send you a link to ‘Einstein’s Genius’, a piece of music that has been created to enhance focus and concentration, inspired by Einstein, his love of Bach and playing the violin.


The music mixes baroque violin music with strategic and scientific drums, pulses and movements, all scientifically proven to induce longer states of flow.  The video explains not only the technology and neuroscience behind how a piece of music  can help  enhance concentration, but also how Einstein’s attributed much of his success to listening to Bach and playing his own violin ‘Lina’, which he cited as his most important tool for sparking creativity.

Here’s some audio for you to sample. We’re none the wiser after a first listen.


  • Pianofortissimo says:

    For me music cannot enhance focus and concentration on other things than music. Background ‘music’ is just noise, or distracts me from focusing on other activities. I experienced that noise in the linked video as non-music. (My fault, sure.)

    • Steve P says:

      Not your fault. That junk was awful. May actually have the reverse of the intended effect with repeated listening.

  • Jim says:

    The intelligent response is: Show me the peer review or I’ll follow the money…

  • John Borstlap says:

    “……. strategic and scientific drums, pulses and movements, all scientifically proven to induce longer states of flow.” It is very hard to find the words to even begin to criticize something so stupid and primitive, and so embarrassing in relation to Mr Einstein.

    This crap is supposed to help concentrating… but the ‘strategic drums (???), pulses and movements’ (???) will have been the first causes of concentration problems with these youngsters.

  • REGERFAN says:

    Here’s a trivia question: what work for violin and piano was dedicated to Einstein (and were intended for Einstein to play)? (I think this will be easy for participants in this forum).

    • Mario Denis says:

      Martinu….Madrigal Stanzas…. I googled it….not familiar with this composer, will check it out….

      • Mario Denis says:

        found them on Spotify….I’m not much into modern chamber stuff but so far it’s lovely ….the andante is indeed quite lovely.

        • Steve P says:

          Check out the symphonies – Martinu is good stuff

        • William Safford says:

          I love performing the Martinu Nonet. Make sure to listen to it.

          Lebrecht has previously written that it is one of his favorite works.

          • REGERFAN says:

            My favorite Martinu work is the Doulbe Concerto for 2 String Orchestras Piano and Tympani

            but I’ve taken the thread astray, I guess we should be talking about this gimmicky music that NL is talking about with the “strategic drums”

      • Shelley Solmes says:

        Love Martinu–and how fortuitous you answered the question: Just found this–The Martinu Madrigals is being performed with other Einsteinian favourites he played. Hope you’re in the area?! Sadly I’m not.
        Einstein’s Music — Oxford May Music

  • NYMike says:

    Another madrigal – Martinu’s Three Madrigals for Violin and Viola were dedicated to Joe and Lil Fuchs who made the first recording of this delightful duet.