San Francisco Symphony cancels North Carolina trip over LGBT law

San Francisco Symphony cancels North Carolina trip over LGBT law


norman lebrecht

December 13, 2016

The orchestra has cancelled two tour concerts in April in Chapel Hill, N.C., in response to the a law that revokes rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The sanction was announced by executive director Brent Assink, after consultation with the board and the music director, Michael Tilson Thomas.

Report here.

Earlier this week, the conductor Joshua Weilerstein donated his North Carlina fees to an LGBT campaign group.



  • Ann Nomynous says:

    Well done!

  • Wai Kit leung says:

    With their music director, they didn’t have a choice, did they?

    Well done in any case!

  • Greg Hlatky says:

    The SFSO takes a stand on human rights, having just returned from a tour that included dates in Beijing and Shanghai.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Boycotts like this are shrinking and killing classical music, and other expressions of high culture. The SFS should rather come to Chapel Hill with their openly gay conductor and play, and then can they make a statement on the issue, if they think it’s so important.

  • Itsjtime says:

    Would it not be better to bring culture and mr. TT to North Carolina to those who need/want it? I think they should make a stand by bringing light to these issues by taking their opposition to the people. Let it be a talk from the stage and to play on smaller scales locally to rally and inspire those people who must continue to fight for local support. This vanishing ask kind of move is not very meaningful, to me. I applaud mr. W, as well.

    • Peter Rosa says:

      They would then get comments on how they should not politicize the moment or the music. No matter what their is a potential backlash.

      Also, at the end of the day, economic boycotts can have more of a drastic effect in the bottom line, with the NBA and some major financial groups pulling their money out as well. Enough of that will scare most states.

  • Dennis says:

    “…a law that revokes rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people”

    Um, no the law does no such thing. Firstly, it only applies to government buildings. Secondly, only in an insane world is it deemed controversial to say that men should use the men’s restroom and women should use the women’s restroom.

  • MacroV says:

    I’m with the SFSO for the most part, but two things: 1) Chapel Hill as a university town is probably much more liberal than most of the statement and thus likely not a supporter of that law; 2) the governor who signed the law, Pat McCrory, just got voted out. So a little progress.

  • Sue says:

    Brett Assinit!!? Couldn’t make that stuff up!!

  • Trump to cut NEA funding to SFSO! Say NO to aggressive trannies !