Could this memory device halve your practise time?

Could this memory device halve your practise time?


norman lebrecht

November 30, 2016

Halo Sport is a neurotechnology device that stimulates the brain to enhance muscle memory.

Designed for athletes, the actor Mario Marzo uses it for piano practice.

In this sessions, he learns two Bach preludes with and without neurostimulation.




  • Robert Holmén says:

    According to the company’s page it’s something you use before the workout rather than during.

    $699! Ouch.

    Can anyone find an article in which it is truly tested and not merely tried by a reporter?

  • Fred says:

    That’s intriguing!

  • David Leibowitz says:

    i tried this once but i can’t remember if it worked…

  • Una says:

    What, it enhances short-term memory or make it even worse? Ha, ha!!

  • Babarona says:

    Once again, the natural processes of Classical Music as an art are under attack by technology. It’s a good thing it takes time to develop memory of a piece, because living with it is part of knowing it. Wunderkind with photographic or otherwise instant memory are boring, uninteresting and uninvolved with their music.