The Russian-sponsored breakaway state of Donetsk has issued its first postal stamps.




The first issue marks the 125th birthday of Sergei Prokofiev, a native of the region.


Do not be tempted to buy the stamp. It contravenes international law.

Earlier this week, we reported the ‘exemplary’ Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra for the six-year deal it had struck with musicians, among other successes.

Yesterday, its chairman Louis P. Ciminelli was arrested at his home, cuffed and charged with bribery and corruption. He denies the charges.



Ciminelli, a philanthropist who has given millions to the Philharmonic and to Catholic causes, is accused of having attempted to rig bids for public construction projects.

The orchestra quickly announced that the board had decided in July that he would step down as chairman after two terms. The chair has passed to the board treasurer.

Read Mary Kunz Goldman here. It’s all hopping and popping in Buffalo.



photo: Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News