New twist on the pianist in a brothel

New twist on the pianist in a brothel


norman lebrecht

August 12, 2016

The pianist Israela Margalit, now an accomplished playwright, has written a short story based on real events in her early life in Munich.

Recommended weekend reading: click here.

israela margalit


  • Robert Roy says:

    Lovely story.

    • Frederick West says:

      Seconded. Schwabing is a great district in Munich, she captures its essence well and the atmosphere of the Hochschule building, it’s quite a place ( for all the right and wrong reasons!).

  • Sue says:

    She’s probably a relative of Brahms!!!

    • Joel Lazar says:

      Brahms as whorehouse pianist: A legend disproved several decades back by a closer look at the demographics and laws of the time, which keeps on surfacing.

      • Holly Golightly says:

        Yet the story persists even in the most recent writings on this composer. He made comments about it and these appear in Clara Schumann’s letters and diary entries.