Lucerne Festival mourns its resident clown

Lucerne Festival mourns its resident clown


norman lebrecht

July 22, 2016

Dmitri the clown, who brought colour to the Festival’s youth programme, died on Wednesday night, aged 80.


dmitri the clown


  • Max Grimm says:

    RIP Dimitri

    his name is Clown Dimitri and he was not the Lucerne Festival’s “resident clown”.
    What you are probably confusing is the German post by the Lucerne Festival, remembering that in early 2015 ‘Young Performance’ of the LUCERNE FESTIVAL YOUNG had a guest performance at the Teatro Dimitri.
    The Teatro Dimitri is located in Verscio and was founded by Clown Dimitri and his wife in 1971.

    “LUCERNE FESTIVAL trauert um Clown Dimitri, der vorgestern unerwartet verstarb, und denkt gerne zurück an das wunderbare Gastspiel von Young Performance im Teatro Dimitri im Frühjahr 2015.”