Bolshoi chief in health scare

Bolshoi chief in health scare


norman lebrecht

July 07, 2016

Reports flashed around Moscow early today that Vladimir Urin, 69, had been rushed to hospital for emergency surgery.

The Bolshoi later issued a statement that the director was on leave and ‘undergoing long-planned wellness treatments’.

Never a dull day at the Bolshoi.

urin putin


  • Hugh Jaass says:

    “Vladimir Urin, 69, rushed to hospital” …. Could one surmise, a kidney complaint?
    Best wishes for a swift recovery whatever the cause.

  • Max Grimm says:

    “Reports flashed around Moscow early today…
    The Bolshoi later issued a statement…”

    Again? Reports alleging Mr. Urin’s emergency hospitalization flashed around Moscow 3 days ago and statements by the Bolshoi and Mr. Urin’s wife, denying said reports, were issued 2 days ago.

  • John Borstlap says:

    ‘……………. undergoing long-planned wellness treatments’ – wasn;t that also the formulation for guests at the goelags?