Two US orchestras at odds over young concertmaster

Two US orchestras at odds over young concertmaster


norman lebrecht

June 30, 2016

We hear that the Louisville Orchestra has signed Knoxville Symphony’s concertmaster, Gabriel Lefkowitz. He’s 28.

Louisville’s music director Teddy Abrams, also 28, is a man in a hurry. He’s building a career platform in Louisville and other orchestras, less thrustful, are getting wary.

Lefkowitz has serious pedigree. He’s the son of Boston Symphony violinist Ronan Lefkowitz, and grandson of the musicologist Murray Lefkowitz. He, too, is going places – as a soloist, conductor and games composer.


  • Rick Lohmann says:

    I’m really tired of your constant clickbait headlines. At “odds” over young concertmaster? What the hell? No. He left one orchestra for another.

    I myself am a former American regional orchestra concertmaster, and I like keeping up with the classical music world, but I call bullshit, and I am unsubscribing. P.S.– I loved “Maestro Myth”

  • Jeffrey Biegel says:

    I’ve known Gabriel Lefkowitz from his time in Knoxville when we worked together there. He’s a first rate player and first rate person. Good luck to him in Louisville, and good luck to Knoxville as they seek a new First chair and enjoy the first season with their new music director.

  • L412D0WZ says:

    If the guy is good at what he does then why does it matter?

  • Robert Holmén says:

    It turns out, “thrustful” is indeed a word.

  • FiddleFan says:

    I’m always jealous when someone is really good-looking AND really talented. I myself am cursed with only being really good-looking. But best of luck to Mr. Lefkowitz.

  • David Dyer says:

    I remember hearing him quite a few years ago on From the Top. I’m not surprised he made it to the top. I am indebted to his grandfather for my first viola da gamba instruction and support in the Early Music field. I believe Gabriel was playing a violin that had belonged to his grandfather on the radio program.