Soprano claims rights to Florence Foster Jenkins film

Soprano claims rights to Florence Foster Jenkins film


norman lebrecht

May 09, 2016

A US-French coloratura, Julia Kogan, is claiming in the British courts that her ex-bf stole her idea for Meryl Streep’s Florence Foster Jenkins film.

Most singers would use lawyers to deny any connection to the Jenkins screech, but Julia is claiming a screen credit as co-author from her ex-partner Nicholas Martin.

Julia Kogan, Opera Singer, 2014, Credit: Johan Persson

photo (c) Jan Persson



The Times reports:  She says that she contributed to the script by not only introducing him to the tale of the New York heiress, but by furnishing him with much of the technical knowhow and colourful detail about the “lifestyle, vocabulary, idiosyncrasies and idioms” of professional opera singers portrayed in the film.

More here (firewall).

UPDATE: We understand that the Times version above is contested by Julia Kogan.




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