Orchestral Sunset at English National Opera?

Orchestral Sunset at English National Opera?


norman lebrecht

April 05, 2016

There has been much muttering about importing a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard to the home of a national opera company, but veteran critic Edward Seckerson was surprised last night to find the ENO orchestra highlighted as never before.

The ENO Orchestra was firmly part of the action in Lonny Price’s nifty staging, nestling among the steel walkways of James Noone’s set, and for once they were as much the star of the show as the lady everyone had come to see.

It’s been 20 years since I saw Glenn Close…

Read on here.


Production note: Sunset Boulevard is produced by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Ltd and is based on the original Paramount film by Billy Wilder.

UPDATE: And this from Lloyd Evans in the Spectator:

Visually this production is immaculate. A huge orchestra, seated on stage, is partially concealed beneath a network of intersecting staircases that doubles as the movie-lot and as Norma’s sprawling home. Golden lights illuminate the musicians against an azure backdrop that creates the blue-orange formula beloved of unpretentious, crowd-pleasing designers. And the music, though not Lloyd Webber’s finest, is bashed out with faultless efficiency.


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