Just in: ENO co-opts Barbican boss

Just in: ENO co-opts Barbican boss


norman lebrecht

March 09, 2016

Struggling English National Opera has added Louise Jeffreys, Director of Arts at the Barbican Centre, to its board.

Good move?

She knows her way around but is not a raiser of cash, which is what ENO needs most – and soon.

Two Barbican bosses, John Tusa and Nick Kenyon, have previously sat on the ENO board. The seat is practically ex officio.

On the positive side, Louise has worked at both Bavarian State Opera and as tech director at ENO.


press release

Today, 9 March 2016, ENO announces that Louise Jeffreys is joining the ENO Board of Trustees with immediate effect.

Louise Jeffreys is Director of Arts at the Barbican Centre and is responsible for the formulation, implantation and delivery of the Barbican’s artistic programme and strategic vision. In particular, Louise has led on developing the Barbican’s relationships and presence in East London, resulting in a wider reach to a more diverse audience, and increasing income from rental and commercial deals, as well as partnership funding. Louise will contribute to ENO’s artistic and strategic vision and will sit on the Artistic Committee, led by fellow ENO Board Member Anthony Whitworth-Jones.

Jeffreys was previously Head of Theatre and Arts Projects at the Barbican, running bite(Barbican International Theatre Events) from 1999.bite became one of London’s most innovative artistic programmes, bringing leading international performers to the UK and co-commissioning some of the most influential artists and productions of the last decade.

Prior to the Barbican, Jeffreys’ previous roles include Administrative Director at the Nottingham Playhouse, Head of Production at Bayerische Staatsoper and Technical Director of English National Opera.




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