Just in: Abbado’s goodies are left to Berlin

Just in: Abbado’s goodies are left to Berlin


norman lebrecht

March 04, 2016

press release:

Berlin receives Abbado bequest

The musical estate of Claudio Abbado (1933–2014) is to come to Berlin. The donation to the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Foundation of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin) includes an extensive collection of scores, handwritten notes, audio/video releases, musicological literature and letters. The Staatsbibliothek is to look after the collection and make it available in a reading room dedicated to Claudio Abbado. It is also planned to digitise large parts of the archive. The Berliner Philharmoniker will curate the content of the collection. In addition to the existing Claudio Abbado Composition Prize, exhibitions will be held, works analyses will be made possible, and study opportunities for young conductors will be created.

An agreement to this effect was signed by Paolo Lazzati, president of the Fondazione Claudio Abbado, Barbara Schneider-Kempf, director general of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and Martin Hoffmann, general director of the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation at the Berlin Philharmonie on 3 March 2016.

The Fondazione Claudio Abbado was set up by the heirs of Claudio Abbado at the end of 2014 to preserve the musical legacy in its entirety and to donate it to an institution that guarantees its archiving and availability on a permanent basis. It was also a particular concern of the Abbado heirs that the legacy be kept alive.

The Fondazione is delighted that the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Berliner Philharmoniker are taking on this task together. The music department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin is the perfect place for the archive as it specialises in the preservation and restoration of valuable manuscripts and is one of the world’s leading institutions in this field.

Due to their long-term artistic bond with Claudio Abbado, the Berliner Philharmoniker are ideal to supervise the archive content and to realise projects that offer young conductors and musicians the possibility of working with the archive.

The Staatsbibliothek and the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation are delighted that they have been entrusted with the Claudio Abbado collection which will thus find a permanent home in Berlin.

abbado berlin philharmonic (bpo)



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