Two US orchs abuse each other over Superbowl

Two US orchs abuse each other over Superbowl


norman lebrecht

February 04, 2016

The symphony orchestras of Charlotte and Colorado are getting a bit heated over a ball game.

They’re even squabbling over which is the real CSO.

Never heard of Chicago?

cso vs cso


  • Justin Bartels says:

    According to this Wikipedia article there are many CSO’s.

    Check out our new Copland Recording on Amazon

    Go Broncos!

    • CA says:

      LOL-don’t believe everything you read!

      We all know that there’s only one really smoking hot team this year–and that the Broncos have lost more Super Bowls than any other NFL team in history!

      • Justin Bartels says:

        To me Carolina is no different than Buffalo or Atlanta, 2 wins to me is a whole lot more than 0 🙂

        We’ll see how the game turns out.

        I laugh at the Chicago Symphony part though, nationally and internationally the CSO resonates as the Chicago Symphony, but in Cities like Columbus, Charlotte, Denver and Charleston it’s definitely the CSO.

        It’s kinda how we here in Denver call the Avalanche the AVS and some misinformed people on the NHL network call us the “Lanche”.

        Just sad….Go Broncos!

  • Peter says:

    Is it a ball game? That thing these men (?) in American “football” are getting all ballsy about looks like an egg to me. Is it some kind of fertility cult? Why do they wear protection like children?

  • Maria Allison says:

    It seems like it’d be easy to fix that CSO squabble. Colorado should definitely go COSO, way cooler and more unique name?

    • Paul Ricchi says:

      No, COSO Sounds like a super market or a circus clown, and it reminds me of that Mozart Opera, Coso fan Tutto.

  • Paul Ricchi says:

    You really cannot blame them for their behavior. Neither city has had much experience with the Super Bowl. It takes some adjusting.