Just what we needed in 2016: Justin Bieber plays Beethoven
mainThe Canadian idol appears to be struggling through Für Elise on a hotel foyer piano.
Moonlight is clearly beyond him.
The Canadian idol appears to be struggling through Für Elise on a hotel foyer piano.
Moonlight is clearly beyond him.
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It’s in a different key–g minor sounds like. He’s improvising.
I’ve never had a good word to say about Justin Bieber, but this looks as if nobody is paying him the slightest attention, he has a cap on possibly to avoid being recognised, and it just looks like someone who had piano lessons as a kid playing for the simple pleasure of it and choosing Beethoven. It speaks better of him than anything else I have ever heard about him.
Beethoven arranged by Beiber.
it may help to improve his “music”, and at least he’s not completely ignorant of the keyboard, some of those pop noise makers can’t even hit two notes on a piano………..or for whom Beethoven is a dog created by disney
I always wondered if he was a distant relative of Heinrich Biber.
Justin Bieber is a high talented boy who, apart from this, is very charming too
I have seen a few interviews with him where he is anything but charming, to say the least
It is in g-minor, and just as he gets to the part where Fur Elise is starting, assuming that is what is happening, the video ends. It would have been interested in tp hear what he did from that point.