Just in: BBC abolishes controllers

Just in: BBC abolishes controllers


norman lebrecht

January 19, 2016

In a belated bid to cull his top-heavy management team, Tony Hall has scrapped the roles of BBC1 and BBC2 controller, as well as head of BBC4.

Charlotte Moore, presently in charge of BBC1, will run all three channels, as well as I-Player content.

BBC2 chief Kim Shillinglaw, who lost out on the top job, will leave the BBC.

Absurdly, the BBC still maintains an extra role of (acting) director of television.

bbc broacasting house

Our W1A swingdoor correspondent adds: Remember, they’ve also saved Danny Cohen as “Director of TV” and Yentob as “Creative Director” salaries. But this is also in line with their worrying strategy about seeing BBC as less ‘channel’ driven and more a producer of ‘content’ which they’ll curate online… hence the very worrying threat of the closure of the BBC News Channel.



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