Star signing: San Fran captures Leon Fleisher

Star signing: San Fran captures Leon Fleisher


norman lebrecht

December 22, 2015

San Francisco Conservatory his beefing up its piano department with Jon Nakamatsu and Corey McVicar.

It has also secured the most elusive piano teacher of all as artist-in-residence.

Press release:


The San Francisco Conservatory of Music announced an expansion of its piano faculty with the appointment of two distinguished artists and teachers, Jon Nakamatsu and Corey McVicar. In addition, SFCM has named legendary pianist Leon Fleisher artist-in-residence for the coming academic year. Beginning in the fall semester of 2016, Conservatory students will have the opportunity to study closely with six artists who have enjoyed celebrated performance careers. Nakamatsu, who has been teaching at SFCM in an interim capacity this fall, and McVicar, a faculty member of SFCM’s elite Pre-College Division since 2012, join colleagues Paul HershSharon Mann, and department chair Yoshikazu Nagai on the Conservatory’s roster of collegiate piano faculty….

As artist-in-residence at SFCM for the 2016-17 academic year, pianist Leon Fleisher will work with piano students in group lessons, master classes, and coachings during four visits. By participating in conversations and other forums, all Conservatory students will learn from Fleisher’s experience on the international stage and from the remarkable trajectory of his career… Fleisher holds the Andrew W. Mellon Chair at the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University.


  • Alvaro says:

    “STAR” ….im pretty sure people will be lining up in the airport waiting upon his arrival like the next iPhone….


    • Daniel F. says:

      In a just world your sardonic scenario would be reality.

    • vcsam says:

      You don’t understand the term. He is what they call a “star professor”. He is indeed one of the most sought after piano teachers in the world and has been since the 1950s. He is an extraordinary musician and one of the great pianists of the 20th century! What more do you want?

      • Ppellay says:

        He’s probably hankering for the resurrection of Liberace, most likely. Or, failing that, Billy Joel or Elton John………….

  • Robert Fitzpatrick says:

    Congrats to SFCM, As 2016-17 artist in residence, Leon Fleisher will inspire artistic excellence far beyond the piano studio. His lessons are all “master-classes” witnessed by all of his students. His public master-classes are a rare combination of private lesson and lecture during which he teaches everyone in the room including the public. The future looks bright for piano studies in San Francisco with these new faculty appointments,

  • Vovka Ashkenazy says:

    I had a lesson with him once.