Shortest orchestral lockout
mainMusicians of the Quebec Symphony, Canada’s oldest orchestra, are back at work within 36 hours of being locked out. Apparently, the employer acknowledged the absurdity of their action and the musicians accepted a tiny rise on already minuscule pay, amounting to 0.25 percent.
Commonsense prevailed, but no-one’s happy. Report here (in French).
That’s not the entire gist of it, Norman. From the article:
“L’entente prévoit un gel des salaires pour les deux premières années, puis des hausses de 1 %, 1,25 % et 1,50 %. Toutefois, elle prévoit également une semaine de travail de moins par année – ils travailleront 31 semaines au lieu de 32 -, la perte de 1 % de contribution à la caisse de retraite et la baisse du plancher d’emploi, qui passera de 66 à 61 musiciens.”
In English:
The agreement calls for a wage freeze for the first two years and then increases by 1%, 1.25% and 1.50 %. However , it also calls for a work-week less per year – the musicians will work 31 weeks instead of 32 weeks – resulting in a loss of 1% to the pension fund contribution and a reduction in permanent positions, which will fall from 66 to 61 musicians.
Another rightwing government ‘rewards’ an arts organisation for reducing its operation and providing users with less.