Now BBC Radio 3 has three men doing one man’s job

Now BBC Radio 3 has three men doing one man’s job


norman lebrecht

September 10, 2015

After Roger Wright stepped down as Controller of Radio 3 and director of the BBC Radio Proms, his job was split in two – unnecessarily, most thought.

The controller of Radio 3 is Alan Davey, a civil servant with no broadcast experience. The head of the Proms is Glyndebourne’s David Pickard, a man with no BBC experience.

Steep learning curve?

Step up Edward Blakeman, acting head of Proms since Wright left and now effectively jobless. He has been named head of music programming and policy (HOMPP), a new post in which he can teach the other two how to do their jobs while filling a seat vacated by Graham Dixon, who spent his days on the phone with the EBU (he now works for them full time).

UPDATE: A clarification from the BBC press office: Edward Blakeman is filling an existing post (recently vacated by Graham Dixon who has moved to the EBU and was formerly managing editor), some features of the role have been updated including the title but the post was already very much in existence before.


bbc radio 3



  • David Boxwell says:

    La Loi de Parkinson!

  • Una says:

    Not sure who is around to go into the BBC that hasn’t had the necessary experience to run Radio 3. Would have thought for today’s climate of marketed classical music, not that many available or want to do the job perhaps on their own? And hardly a job for anyone working for the Classic FM or the Lyric FM classical radio stations, which are celebrity-biased.