When Lang Lang rang my bell, looking for a piano

When Lang Lang rang my bell, looking for a piano


norman lebrecht

August 01, 2015

This from our friend Erica Worth, editor of Pianist magazine.
erica worth

Here’s more.


  • CDH says:

    Thanks for the start of what looked like a lovely story. Not worth six quid to finish it, though.

  • EW says:

    What’s not worth six quid, CDH?

    • CDH says:

      I read a page of the linked article, then I was offered a chance to purchase the issue for that. Pity; it was well-written and intelligent (on the parts of both interviewer and interviewee).

      I am getting a little tired of paywalls — they are beginning to lose ground, as I know a couple of major papers are quietly dropping them and some have never started.