The family that plays together stays together

The family that plays together stays together


norman lebrecht

August 18, 2015

The Salzburg Festival has issued a family photo of its newest Nestle conductor competition winner, Lorenzo Viotti.

He is the son of the much-lamented Swiss conductor, Marcello Viotti, who died ten years ago at the age of 5o.

This s one of the last pictures of the Viotti family before Marcello’s death.


Marcello Viotti (zweiter von links) mit seiner Familie(v.l.n.r.): Tochter Marina, Sohn Alessandro, Tochter Milena, Sohn Lorenzo und Ehefrau Marie Laurence.   : Honorarfrei lediglich fuer Ankuendigungen und Veroeffentlichungen im Zusammenhang mit obiger BR-Sendung bei Nennung:  Bild: BR/Thum .   Andere Verwendungen nur nach entsprechender vorheriger schriftlicher Vereinbarung mit dem BR-Bildarchiv, Tel. 089 / 5900 3040, Fax 089 / 5900 3284.

l-r: Marina is today a mezzo-soprano, Alessando a horn player, Milena is 3rd horn at Bavarian Opera, Lorenzo Viotti is one from the right with his mother.

Photo: Bayerischer Rundfunk/Georg Thum


  • Olassus says:

    Marcello Viotti’s 1992 recording of L’elisir d’amore remains a perfect testament to his rhythmic flair and sense of style. It is also charmingly sung by a mostly Italian cast.

    Better than any DVD of this opera, but alas hard to find.