Breaking: Vienna Philharmonic won’t go to Iran

Breaking: Vienna Philharmonic won’t go to Iran


norman lebrecht

August 25, 2015

Contrary to statements issued earlier in Teheran, the orchestra has tersely announced it will not be accompanying the Austrian president on a state visit.

No reason given.


vienna phil pose


  • PDQ.BACH says:

    VPO won’t go:
    Monsieur Choufleuri restera chez lui le 24 janvier 1833.

  • william osborne says:

    Iran’s President since 2103, Hassan Rohani, is attempting to implement political and cultural reforms. Among many other things, he allowed the reformation of the Tehran Symphony Orchestra that was dissolved by his predecessor, Mahmud Ahmadinejad. I find it unfortunate that the VPO can’t support these moves toward moderation.

    • Jevgeniy says:

      But i have a feeling if they WERE going, you’d be speaking up on behalf of jews, who feel this is proof of the Viennese’s anti-semitism.

      • william osborne says:

        Just for the record, I feel Israel’s stance toward Iran has been too extreme. I’m more in line with the approach Obama has taken. And yet I know how foolish, uniformed, and even bigoted comments such as yours can be about the VPO in this forum which draws a notably large number reactionary commentators.

        • J. says:

          “Reactionary commentators”, the opinion of a Fidel Castro fan.

          • william osborne says:

            Castro, no, but even worse for some of these SD denizens, an Obama supporter….

        • Max Grimm says:

          Whatever the country, whatever the party or whatever placement on the political spectrum, does not change the fact that the fish rots from the head down (in some cases that head has decomposed beyond recognition).
          What I find interesting is that one day you find most people here argue that classical musicians shouldn’t involve themselves in political affairs and on other days it’s apparently acceptable for an orchestra to accompany politicians as musical hand luggage of sorts.

  • Mr Oakmountain says:

    Hang on … Did the VPO promise to go and then cancel, or was this a false announcement made by Tehran? In the latter case the VPO clearly would not have anything to explain.

    • V.Lind says:

      If you had read the original post on this topic, you would have noted that the story was sourced from a leak in Iran to a German publication. It could be that the discussion was not over before the leak was made. Can’t blame the VPO for something that THEY had not committed to.

  • Emil says:

    Breaking? You published unverified and unsubstantiated reports, and then you are shown wrong, that correction is “breaking news”? We clearly have different understandings of ‘journalism’, ‘facts’ and ‘news’.