Kaufmann concert fight: Defendant is innocent

Kaufmann concert fight: Defendant is innocent


norman lebrecht

July 17, 2015

Graham Kern, the concertgoer accused of attacking a disabled woman during a January Wigmore Hall recital by Jonas Kaufmann, has been cleared by an Old Bailey jury after a two-day trial.

The jury took two hours and 20 minutes to decide in the defendant’s favour.

Wigmore Hall

The Wigmore Hall has lost one, possibly two, regular patrons.


  • Jonathan Dunsby says:

    ==Defendant is innocent

    Shouldn’t that be “Defendant is found innocent” ?

    Who know what really happened ?

  • David says:

    Norman, are you implying with your reference to lost patrons that you will not attend the venue in the future? It seems to me that the result is not the fault of the concert hall, but rather the criminal justice system.