Here’s what happens when you let a high school choir into the hotel pool

Here’s what happens when you let a high school choir into the hotel pool


norman lebrecht

May 23, 2015

They restore your faith in youth and beauty.

stillwater choir

Three weeks ago, the Stillwater Area High School Concert Choir posted a video of their break at a hotel in Ames, Iowa. They liked the pool’s acoustics and sang F. Melius Christiansen’s “O Day Full of Grace.”

Three-quarters of a million people have watched in wonder.

More now.


  • Alexander Platt says:

    Our Upper Middlewest is a very special place — one of the last places on earth where people just love good music.

  • Pamela Brown says:

    Young Minnesotans at their best…:-)

  • Tim says:

    How come when a group like this does such an impromptu performance it’s fresh, fun, and leaves you with a good feeling, but when a flock of professional, overpaid musicians take over a public space it sounds laborious and invasive?

  • Polly van der Linde says:

    Because it’s spontaneous, video flaws (i.e. not professionally done) and all. Loved this. Thanks for posting.

  • stanley cohen says:

    Well at least it proves that conductors of live performances are wholly dispensable.

    • Petros LInardos says:

      Maybe also that some good choral conductors are unsung heroes. Chances are they have rehearsed a lot with one of them.

    • Franny says:

      One video of one unconducted choir proves that? Doesn’t take much to convince you….

  • Polly van der Linde says:

    It’s because this was so spontaneous – no glitzy video edits, that it captures our attention. Lots of fun. Thanks for posting.