Breaking: Berlin Philharmonic election is postponed ‘for up to a year’

Breaking: Berlin Philharmonic election is postponed ‘for up to a year’


norman lebrecht

May 11, 2015

The stalemate, after eleven hours of discussion, has ended in disaster. The orchestra cannot meet again tomorrow to vote on a music director, because it has rehearsals.

An agreement was reached tonight to have a new election ‘within one year’.

There is talk of a date early in December 2015. Until then, ‘discussions will continue’ among the players.

But the brand is damaged. This is an orchestra deeply divided, within and against itself.

berlin philharmonie beethoven 9

UPDATE: Here’s the press release:

The voting for the Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Berliner Philharmoniker brought no results today.

Orchestra Board member Peter Riegelbauer said: “After an orchestra assembly which lasted 11 hours, we have unfortunately come to no decision. There were positive and lively discussions and several rounds of voting, but unfortunately we were unable to agree on a conductor.”

123 members of the orchestra who were eligible to vote were present.

Riegelbauer continued: “We must continue this process and this election. That will have to take place within one year. We are very confident that we will come to a decision then. The process of this election will be continued, and the orchestra assembly will meet regularly, but we will take the time that is necessary. That can last one year.”

The mood during the assembly was described by all participants as very constructive, cooperative and friendly.



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