Fastest fingers in the West?
mainThis is Grigory Sokolov at work. Check the fingerwork from 0:18.
This is Grigory Sokolov at work. Check the fingerwork from 0:18.
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The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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…and the East?
Absolutely stunning, I love Sokolov’s playing. Shame the audience couldn’t wait to applaud until he’d actually finished, though.
And what about the joy and technic of Fazil Say in his own Paganinni variations?
This video is WILD — a friend shared it with me last week. Sokolov is just amazing….
Fast fingers are not impressive, the musicianship is
Fast fingers *are* impressive too, but the combination of technique with musicianship impresses most highly. In any case, it is strange to talk about speed in Sokolov’s case because he practically never takes extremely fast tempi and actually prefers to play fast movements at a relatively moderate pace. His fingers impress mostly by their immaculate rhythmical and tonal precision as well as remarkable evenness of touch, with all of this augmented by subtle differentiation of timbral colors.
I think Abram Chasins Rush Hour in Hong Kong and the Presto of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons ‘Summer’ last movement for solo piano is faster yet. 🙂
Remarkable playing, and as others have pointed out, it’s the colour (plucked sonority at times) he invests with the dexterity which is so impressive.
Weissenberg also had pretty fast fingers as well but occasionally reduced the music to an equivalent of a pile up on the subway escalators. Great pianist, all the same.
I’m fairly deft but my fingers got in a muddle very quickly in the Couperin.