Diva Joyce quits agent

Diva Joyce quits agent


norman lebrecht

December 02, 2014

The story so far: Girl from Kansas gets turned down by 10 New York agents, one after another.

She’s also not getting roles at opera auditions.

Then a young London guy, Simon Goldstone, approaches her and she signs on his dotted line. The career takes off. Like a rocket.

Simon quits crumbling IMG Artists and Joyce DiDonato waltzes off with him devotedly to Intermusica. For 16 years, Joyce and Simon were indivisible. This is them in July this year.

joyce didonato simon goldstone

Sadly, it’s over. We hear Joyce has just signed for London agency AskonasHolt, specifically with its silky chief executive Donagh Collins, who has pledged to build a team around her to attend to the many needs of a diva career.

Things end, life goes on. Still, the Simon-Joyce story was a fairytale in a wicked old world and it’s sad to see it end.

UPDATE:  AskonasHolt has just posted the coup on their website.



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