Bermuda deal settles future of Lucerne Festival

Bermuda deal settles future of Lucerne Festival


norman lebrecht

December 02, 2014

An ugly wrangle has been going through the Bermuda courts between the Lucerne Festival and the heirs of a man, Christof Engelhorn, who promised it 120 million Swiss francs to build an innovative opera house (pictured below).

Judgement was given against the heirs in February this year, but they continued to contest it. Now the two sides have come to an agreement. Selective details will be announced in Lucerne on Thursday, but no-one emerges with great credit from the dispute – except for the lawyers, who are laughing all the way to Liechtenstein.

Moral of the story: Don’t make promises you can’t fulfil while alive.

salle modulable lucerne


  • Rob van der Hilst says:

    ‘Bermuda Courts’? Must be the same as German Disorder or British Europhyllia et cetera 🙂