Russia launches new media strategy

Russia launches new media strategy


norman lebrecht

November 10, 2014

A new state agency was launched today. Echoing recent statements by President Putin, it looks like the old Cold War machine lightly warmed over.

red square snow



MOSCOW, November 10 (RIA Novosti) – Sputnik, a major new media brand with modern multimedia centers in dozens of countries, will go live November 10. All of Sputnik’s multimedia centers located in major world capitals will maintain their own websites and broadcast from local radio stations. In 2015, Sputnik will broadcast in 30 languages, with over 800 hours of radio programming a day, covering over 130 cities and 34 countries. Sputnik’s exclusive content is designed for a global audience of billions who are tired of aggressive propaganda promoting a unipolar world and want a different perspective. The flagship site isĀ

Offering a fuller picture of the world with a truly diverse range of views, Sputnik tells the untold.
“There are countries that impose their will on both the West and East,” Director General of Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency Dmitry Kiselev said. “Wherever they intervene, bloodshed, civil wars and color revolutions ensue. Entire countries fall apart. Iraq, Libya, Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, to name just a few. Many people already understand that the world doesn’t necessarily have to believe that the actions of the United States work for everybody. Russia proposes a model for the world that is based on respect for all of humanity. We believe in a diverse, multicultural world, and we have many allies. To promote this outlook our media group is launching a new global brand, Sputnik.”
Sputnik points the way to a multipolar world that respects every country’s national interests, culture, history and traditions.
“In this world, Japan is Japanese, Turkey is Turkish, China is Chinese and Russia is Russian,” Kiselev said. “We are not suggesting that other nations should adopt the Russian way of life. We believe everyone is entitled to live in their own way. Our outlook on the world is rooted in international law. The ongoing evolution of international relations is good for us and good for humankind. We are not an opposition media outlet in the countries where we operate. We maintain good relations with everybody.”


  • Olaugh Turchev says:

    Oh Puhleeze! What’s to do with music? Especially after the Ulfkotte revelations.

    • John Borstlap says:

      The relationship with culture means that it is again, as in Soviet times and in Nazi Germany, annexed to serve as a legitimization of an authoritarian regime: see Gergiev.

    • John Borstlap says:

      If the West had handled the fall of the Soviet Union better and had avoided that silly triumphalism and arrogance, Russia would have been wanted to be part of the free world. It was a golden chance, and now it’s over.

  • Robert HolmĆ©n says:


    I think I’ll go start a modern and forward-looking news service called “Conestoga.”

  • John says:

    Sputnik is just a small part of the Kremlin’s vast, complex and well-funded dezinformatsiya arsenal against the West and against the US specifically. Read more:
    “The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money”, now available for download free at The Interpreter website.
    – Executive Summary:

  • Gonout Backson says:

    Mr Ulfkotte, RT’s favorite journalist… It’s funny, probably an accident, but when I googled his name (in Latin alphabet), the answer came in Russian!