Watch: Mischa Maisky plays AC/DC

Watch: Mischa Maisky plays AC/DC


norman lebrecht

October 31, 2014

Not every cellist plays it straight.
maisky thunderstruck
This is the Amsterdam Cello Biennale this month.

Raising the roof at the finale, Mischa Maisky and Giovanni Soulima joined 2Cellos in the AC/DC hit Thunderstruck.


h/t: Ariane Todes’s Elbow Music.



  • Ellingtonia says:

    Now thats what I call a performance…………………only the Dutch would come up with such a festival!

  • Martin says:

    On that festival lineup you find more murderes than in most prisons.

  • Ellingtonia says:

    And you wonder why the average age of classical concert goers is 60+ with attitudes like that…………..

    • Martin says:

      If your comment is an answer to mine, then you didn’t get the joke. But you will get if you read a certain later article in this blog.