There’s only one composer called Adams selling records this week

There’s only one composer called Adams selling records this week


norman lebrecht

October 15, 2014

The Nielsen Soundscan ratings are in. Three records outsold all others in the US in the past week.

Joshua Bell’s Bach, visible on all public media, sold 824 copies.

The Boys of St Paul’s Choir celebrating Christmas in Harvard Square on Decca, sold 829.

The top-selling US records, at 1,011 copies, was music from the Seattle Symphony by a man called John Adams.

John Luther Adams.

Become Ocean is the shock classical hit of the year.

become oceanjohn luther adams


  • Ks. Christopher Robson says:

    This is the composer JOHN LUTHER ADAMS, not to be confused with John Adams (Klinghoffer, Nixon, etc.). He won the 2014 Pullitzer prize for “Becomes Ocean”. Very interesting composer and musician.

  • May says:

    What a dreadful piece of work. That’s not music, that’s muzak.
    I think it was Count Basie who said, if I want to relax, I’ll take a warm bath.

  • muslit says:

    ….Become bored.