Another music chief gets the chop at Radio France
mainMore news of disintegration at a broadcaster that seems to be running out of control.
François Dru, formerly artistic administrator at the Orchestre de Paris, was hired three weeks ago by Radio France to fill the vacuum left by Eric Montalbetti’s departure as artistic director.
Today, he was guillotined.
Apparently, he is being blamed for the breakdown in relations between the music director Mikko Franck and the head of music, Jean-Pierre Rousseau, although so far as we are informed he has yet to have any communication with Mr Franck.
M Dru has just posted this message:
Après trois semaines kafkaïennes et ubuesques, j’ai recouvré ma liberté. Coupé de certains Rois soleil aux méthodes d’Ancien Régime, je ne peux que retrouver honneur et dignité.
Je souhaite bon courage à l’équipe administrative et aux musiciens de l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France ainsi qu’à Myung-whun Chung et Mikko Franck. Leur cause est juste…
Et je continuerai de déplorer l’éviction brutale d’Eric Montalbetti, l’immense gâchis que de se priver d’un Directeur artistique d’un tel rang et talent…
After three weeks under the sign of Kakfa and Father Ubu, I have regained my freedom. Leaving a certain Sun King with his Ancien Régime methods, I will recover my honour and dignity.
I wish the best of luck to the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, to the staff, musicians and to Myung-whun Chung and Mikko Franck. Their cause is just. I continue to deplore Eric Montalbetti’s brutal eviction, a waste of a front-rank, talented Artistic Director…
Mr Dru (below right) was formerly artistic director for Leonard Slatkin with the Orchestre National de Lyon.