New York protest over the orchestra they don’t want you to hear
mainWe understand the Hungarian conductor Adam Fischer will conduct an extra concert on November 14 in Copenhagen’s Koncerthuset with the Danish National Chamber Orchestra, the one the national broadcaster, DR, is shutting down at the end of the year.
DR, apparently, is refusing to announce this concert. The orchestra will play Mozart’s last two symphonies. Tickets have just gone on sale. If you’re in Copenhagen on November 14, do show solidarity.
In New York, meanwhile, musicians of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra have posted this message:
The MET Orchestra Musicians protest in the strongest terms the decision of DR to abolish The Danish National Chamber Orchestra in the name of “austerity.” For the past 17 years, this exemplary group of musicians, under the leadership of chief conductor Adam Fischer, has crafted a completely unique approach to Viennese classicism, especially in their performances and recordings of Mozart. Without its only full-time chamber orchestra, the Danish cultural firmament would most certainly be much the poorer. The MET Orchestra Musicians stand firmly behind their Danish colleagues.