At last, Atlanta uses the L-word
UncategorizedThe Atlanta Symphony has avoided calling its suspension of the musicians a lockout. in public. Their PR smoothies have advised agaist it.
But the L-word appears in its general business communications. See below.
Dear Applicant for the Atlanta Symphony Principal Bass audition,
As you may have heard, the Atlanta Symphony is currently without a Collective Bargaining Agreement, and the musicians are locked out. While we sincerely hope that this situation will not take very long to resolve, our Music Director feels that the fairest thing to do for all concerned is to postpone our audition until we have our orchestra back at work and ready to focus on holding successful auditions. We regret the disruption to your plans, and appreciate your patience as we work through our internal issues. If the labor dispute is resolved quickly, you will be notified of a new audition date directly by email. In the unfortunate event that it lasts more than a month, we will re-submit an ad to the International Musician, and start the process over from the beginning.
Russell Williamson
Director of Orchestra Personnel and Operations
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra