Simon Rattle: ‘Conductors make too much fuss about conductors’

Simon Rattle: ‘Conductors make too much fuss about conductors’


norman lebrecht

August 31, 2014

Fascinating phone interview with Fiona Maddocks in today’s Observer here.

Rattle repeats that, come what may, he’s staying in Berlin after the job’s up in 2018.




  • Anne Oid says:

    It’s really a quote from Haitink, title of page is misleading

    • Max Grimm says:

      It was Mr. Rattle who said “Conductors make too much fuss about conductors!” If I correctly remember Mr. Haitink’s recent interview that Ms. Maddocks is referring to, he said something along the lines of audiences and critics obsessing too much over conductors.

  • Milkaa says:

    He is no dummy – and one supposes he will say anything that the great unwashed will take as humility etc. The baloney concerning the Bach with Sellars shows him for what he is or
    is not.Too bad he does not serve Bach
    as much as he serves show bizz.

    • anonymus says:

      I didn’t have that impression of the Bach-Sellars productions at all. That music is so strong, the musicians, the singers, the choir are all such strong proponents of Bach’s will, that even if you don’t like Rattle in that context there is so much else to like about it.

  • John Borstlap says:

    What is to be admired immensily in Rattle is that in Birmingham he found the time for taking-on an enterprise for which normally whole armies of workman are required:

    “It’s said you’d come to London if you had the promise of a new concert hall. You built one once, in Birmingham, and it’s still the best in the UK…”

    For one man to build a concert hall, it’s stunning, and given the busy schedule of a conductor, really quite a feat.

  • Milkaa says:

    Music , particularly Bach is to be
    listened to ,he communicates through
    music …want people moving around
    go to an opera …there is nothing
    worse in this day and age than the talentless second rate tampering with the first rate.

    • anonymus says:

      You sound like a frustrated third rate armchair conductor. Bashing Rattle here, Luisi in the other thread. Get a life.