Maestro quits, opera crumbles in Prague

Maestro quits, opera crumbles in Prague


norman lebrecht

June 29, 2014

The music director of the National Theatre, Robert Jindra, has quit, saying he has no faith in general director Jan Burian’s plan to renew the company. He lasted less than a year in a notorious swinging-door job. Jindra has posted this on his Facebook page:

Česká opera je nesmrtelná, je originální a musí být ctí každého českého umělce jí smět dělat!Já jsem za tu možnost vděčný! Děkuju všem!

Czech opera is immortal, original and must be honored by each Czech artist allowed to do this!I am grateful for the opportunity! Thank you all!

robert jindraNational-Theatre-Prague-Photo
