The world’s most followed cellist takes an enforced career break

The world’s most followed cellist takes an enforced career break


norman lebrecht

May 19, 2014

Zoe Keating, the fusion cellist with a global career and 1.2 million Twitter followers, has announced that she is taking time out to be with her husband, Jeff, who has an aggressive cancer. We send them both our prayers and best wishes. Here is Zoe’s announcement.




Dear Listeners,

My husband Jeff has been sick with a mysterious illness for several months. It’s not so mysterious any more. My man, my best friend, my partner-in-crime for 16 years has cancer. All. Fucking. Over. Lungs, brain, liver, bones.

We’re at the hospital. He is a warrior. We are fighting it.

I have to be strong and present for Jeff and for our son and I might be away from music and social media for a while.

Please, don’t send any condolences. Send strength and love and positive healing vibes, prayers, chants…all of it.

And since my new album will remain unfinished for a while longer, if you want to help us in ways other than good vibes, you could buy some of my music. Listen to it, give it to a friend and think of us.

I wish good health for you and your loved ones.

