New York’s music hotel has gone to the dreckorators

New York’s music hotel has gone to the dreckorators


norman lebrecht

May 27, 2014

The Chelsea Hotel – where the composer Virgil Thomson lived and died, where Leonard Cohen wrote a song about having oral sex with Janis Joplin, where Arthur Miller lived and wrote, where Bob Dylan composed ‘Sara’, where Sid Vicious’s girlfriend Nancy was found stabbed to death – has fallen into the hands of boutique hoteliers and brand managers. It’s getting sanitised and made over.

Another bit of New York heritage gone to the wreckers and dreckers.



  • Robert Manno says:

    And in 1953 where Dylan Thomas fell into a coma caused by an incompetent physician, later dying at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

  • Sardis says:

    To some extent it is sad but the moments when these events happened have long gone. They existed in that particular time and that time alone. One shouldn’t try and pickle things in aspic when the mood and atmosphere can never be recaptured.