The third man remembers that Callas-Gobbi Tosca
mainRenato Cioni, who died this week, gave an interview a few months ago to an Italian magazine, recalling his role as Cavaradossi in the most indelible of all opera productions. Here’s a sample:
On stage (Maria) was always caressing me, touching my hair, crossing her arms around my neck. Maria magnificently brought to life a character who was, in a way, herself. She was a woman who was generous and insecure. Her voice was strong and dramatic, yet also sweet.
To read more, click here on Gramilano.
For me, Callas’ portrayal of Tosca with Gobbi put every other production in the passenger seat.
I finally heard Callas on the stage when she was past her prime. I didn’t understand: What’s it all about Alfie? (Not sure if Dionne Warwick had sung that yet–maybe my 2014 recollection!) I left terribly disappointed. About 10 years later, a colleague sat me down & we spent an entire day listening to Madame Callas. He pointed out the incomparable technique, musicianship, musical intelligence. It was then I learned to listen to more than the voice–holds true for Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, too. To have sung w/Callas as Signor Cioni did is mind boggling. Someday, please God, on God’s opera stage, I will sing Cavaradossi to Madame Callas’ Tosca fully understanding why she remains one of the greatest singers who ever lived. Grazie, Signor Cioni for sharing this.