Just in: Gustavo Dudamel replies to Gabriela Montero’s open letter on Venezuela

Just in: Gustavo Dudamel replies to Gabriela Montero’s open letter on Venezuela


norman lebrecht

February 14, 2014

The maestro has sent a short response to the pianist’s criticism of him for performing music while fellow-citizens were being killed by forces of the regime.

Here’s Gustavo’s immediate response, sent to the newspaper El Universal, which linked to Slipped Disc’s publication of Gabriela’s letter.



Lo que nuestro Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela representa son los valores de Paz, Amor y Unión. El 12 de febrero es un día especial porque fue el día en que nació un proyecto que se ha convertido en emblema y bandera de nuestro país en el mundo. Conmemoramos pues a toda la juventud, conmemoramos el futuro, conmemoramos la hermandad. Nuestra música constituye el lenguaje universal de paz, por ello lamentamos los hechos acontecidos el día de ayer. Con nuestra música y nuestros instrumentos en mano, le decimos un no rotundo a la violencia y un sí contundente a la paz. Gustavo Dudamel.

What our National Network of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela represents are the values of Peace, Love and Unity. February 12 is a special day because it was the day that a project was born that has become the emblem and flag of our country to the world. Therefore, we commemorate all youth, we commemorate the future, we commemorate brotherhood. Our music represents the universal language of peace; therefore, we lament yesterday’s events. With our music, and with our instruments in hand, we declare an absolute no to violence and an resounding yes to peace. Gustavo Dudamel


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