Lorin Maazel declares himself vegetarian

Lorin Maazel declares himself vegetarian


norman lebrecht

January 05, 2014

Almost 84, the conductor announced a change of lifestyle at the New Year … and wants you to try it, too.

Read here.



  • jf52 says:

    An actual, wonderful post. Of course, I wonder afterward if he was identifying himself with all those cited rather than my daughter. I was heading there, too… until the joy of tacrolimus damage during a transplant made eating any and all vegetables and fruits impossible.

    I also wonder… is this why his LPO concert recordings of Mahler’s 2nd and 3rd symphonies are his best ever? (That said, their 1st symphony performance is simply too meaty.)

  • Dilys Page says:

    Didn’t Wagner become a vegetarian – or didn’t it last?

  • lmlynley@gmail.com says:

    Great news. Flesh-eating is unhealthy for the consumer, the tortured and mutilated animal and for the environment as a whole. Every new vegetarian and vegan does more to make life better for all than protest marches and donations.

  • Mare says:

    Great to hear! I just beat him to it by about 20 years! 🙂

  • The maestro also did not state that meat production for human consumption is more resource intensive than fruit and vegetable production, another reason to not eat meat.

    The United Nations estimates that 80 percent of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions is due to meat production, and agricultural greenhouse gasses are responsible for 10 to 25 percent of all greenhouse gasses. Some of this due to deforestation in developing nations in an effort to produce more arable land and not to direct farming. Please see http://www.unep.org/pdf/unep-geas_oct_2012.pdf.

    The Piedmont Region of Virginia where Mr. Maazel resides has a wonderful tradition of local farming and is about as close to the English countryside as one can get in the USA.

  • tessaseymour says:

    Did anyone see his blog post in which he shared his thoughts on Kim Kardashian going commando and J-Law’s new hair? It was fantastic