President Hollande’s actress ‘was nominated for Villa Medici jury’
mainThe ultra-discreet Le Monde reports today that Julie Gayet, the actress who shared President Hollande’s breakfast croissants, had been put onto one of the country’s most presitigious panels, choosing the artists who will live off a state stipend at the Villa Medici in Rome.
The Ministry of Culture has quickly clarified the situation: Eric de Chassey, director of the Académie de France in Rome, Villa Medici, proposed her appointment but the Minister has vetoed it.
Flanby just gets better and better.
I am glad there are people like Aurélie Filippetti who refused to sign the nomination. How embarrassing for France!
This is all very sad. France can no longer hide and live in denial, imagining that it is something that it isn’t and accept and deal with the fact that it has become a new version of Italy and much worse, albeit with far more negative consequences for the rest of Europe. France is frozen in a time warp. German socialists renounced Marxism at their 1959 conference. The French still haven’t and continue to espouse theories of redistribution of wealth and cultural nepotism and cultural control and influence worthy of Romania under Ceaușescu. Their political class remains a group of closed elite, most having graduated from the same school, i.e. the ENA and therefore protect their perceived rights and undemocratic behaviour and wrap it all up in the cloak of socialism and equality. Such hypocrisy is no longer lost on outside observers and we watch in horror as France falls into the abyss.
This is all very sad. “Great” Britain can no longer hide and live in denial, imagining that it is something that it isn’t and accept and deal with the fact that it has become a new version of America and much worse, albeit with far more negative consequences for the rest of Europe. Britain is frozen in a time warp. German capitalists renounced reckless deregulation decades ago. The British government still haven’t and continue to espouse theories of redistribution of wealth [in favour of the wealthy elite, on the risible pretext that it might “trickle down” and just about benefit the upper-middle class, as well] and cultural nepotism and cultural control and influence worthy of Africa in the colonial era. Their political class remains a group of closed elite, most having graduated from the same school, and therefore protect their perceived rights and undemocratic behaviour and wrap it all up in the cloak of big society and meritocracy. Such hypocrisy is no longer lost on outside [and resident] observers and we watch in horror as “Great” Britain falls into the abyss.
1° Did the Minister or the Director of the Villa know before until very recently about the alleged affair between the President and Ms. Gayet ? NO
2° Did the nomination of Ms. Gayet come from the President, or did he tried in any way to have her nominated ? NO
So it’s just a coincidence. An unhappy one, granted.
Case closed. Let us not indulge in the mixture of voyeurism and paranoia which made the fortune of Mr Murdoch’s tabloids.
Re French observer’s rantings: sigh! Wanna talk about the ENA? Well, let’s talk about Eton.