NY Phil Twitter feed loses the plot

NY Phil Twitter feed loses the plot


norman lebrecht

February 09, 2012

Waiting at the dentist’s this morning – it’s all right, just keep up the flossing – I read the dullest, bottom-of-the-page piece I have seen about a conductor in a long time. And, yes, I do see lots.

The New York Philharmonic are very proud of it. They have just tweeted: nyphil NY Philharmonic

Alan Gilbert discusses bold plans to London’s Daily Telegraph before the residency at the @BarbicanCentre tgr.ph/A2Llip #nyptour
Bold? Bold???? He makes it all sound anodyne.


  • Doug says:

    “…a fully staged production of Ligeti’s opera Le Grand Macabre, and performances of the complete works of Edgard Varèse and Magnus Lindberg’s colossal orchestral piece Kraft …”

    Not exactly a philosophy, but I’d consider it a good start.

    • He made it sound so duuuuulll

    • Sixtus says:

      I attended all three events Doug mentions, the Ligeti three times over. These and performances of other adventurous repertory, such as last season’s Cunning Little Vixen, have shown Gilbert to be a much-needed breath of fresh air in both repertory and performance style after, literally, decades of uninspiring work by several consecutive NYPO music directors. The music programmed in his European jaunt seems distinctly more conservative, however.