The last we'll hear of Toscanini?

The last we'll hear of Toscanini?


norman lebrecht

January 02, 2012

Walfredo Toscanini, the grandson, has died aged 82, according to Musical America.

An architect by profession, Walfredo set up in retirement an online shrine to his granddad. Who will tend it now?


  • Simon Wade says:

    You really are despicable, Norman Lebrecht. Your lifelong hatred of Maestro Toscanini is already widely known within the musical establishment, despite his incomparable achievements during his 70 year career. Now, you are turning on his grandson, and know full well that is, and continues o be, a team effort with Mortimer Frank, Harvey Sachs, and Alan Steckler.

    No, Mr Lebrecht, this is not the last you will hear of Arturo Toscanini. Not by a long way.

    Show some respect.