Exclusive secrets from Bayreuth – welcome to the Katie Wagner diet
mainSo far, the most talked-about artistic acheivement at the Bayreuth Festival is Katharina Wagner’s loss of weight – 20 kilos since last summer.
That’s her on the right in the dpa picture below. The other one’s her much-loved half-sis, Eva.
Katie’s been telling the tabs that she had some muscular pains, the medication for which caused loss of appetite. She’s been living mostly off sushi and sashimi, with the occasional glass of white wine and regular gym workouts. See? It’s easy. Any Wagner can do it.
More details here in Focus Online.
This is the same pair, two summers back:
Eva, meanwhile, has told the Friends of Bayreuth that if they can’t raise millions more money, she going to shut the place down. Good cop, bad cop.
That’s not her cousin, that’s her half-sister.