Brazil: orchestra now in full retreat

Brazil: orchestra now in full retreat


norman lebrecht

July 27, 2011

Events are moving fast in Rio.

O Globo reports that the OSB has invited the 33 sacked musicians to resume their former jobs, under terms to be negotiated. The new three-person artistic committee has taken over planning, sidelining the former director Roberto Minczuk. And the withdrawal yesterday of Minczuk’s mentor Kurt Masur, reportedly for medical reasons, has eliminated one of the last flashpoints in the dispute.

Hopefully, peace might break out soon.

For the moment, the OSB management are saying nothing.


  • George Brown says:

    Well, given the current fluidity in the situation, let’s all hope that this week’s A and B Orchestra proposal flows out as quickly as it flowed in.

  • Antonio Augusto says:

    Unfortunately, the terms to be negotiated are quite disturbing. They propose to create a new second orchestra entity with the 33 dismissed musicians receiving the old salary. This “new orchestra” has already been called by Brazilian press for a funny title: “mini-osb”. It is comprehensible as they treated us like “mini-musicians” they offer now a “mini-orchestra”


    But they also offer a possibility for those who do not wish to return to the orchestra. They can have their sacking for “just cause” reduced/converted to simple “sacking.”(By Brazilian law then they would be entitled to benefits called a Fund of Guarantee, based on years of work in the organization).

    A third possibility is also mentioned. That would be the return of 12 pre-selected musicians of the sacked group, selected by the new artistic commission. They trying to divided the group that is until now strongly united and with no intention of withdraw their position on fighting this madness that has been imposed to our lives.

  • Antonio Augusto says:

    We can see in several international websites and newspapers that Mr. Masur’s conducting in full possession of his health and talent. On June 29, 2011, in Zurich, the writer reveals his excitement to see “the venerable Kurt Masur still conducting, quite regularly it appears from looking at the calendar on his website, at the ripe age of 84.” At Tanglewood, on 15h july the author says: “Less predictably, Kurt Masur was in fine form for Strauss’ “Till Eulenspiegel” and, to open the program, Schumann’s Second Symphony. Student conductors Robert Treviño and Case Scaglione, respectively, were the chief storytellers for Dukas’ “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” and Kodaly’s “Hary Janos” suite.”

    Beethoven 9th, Strauss Till Eulenspiegel… It is a quite hard program to some one with medical problems reported, isn’t it?

    Crítica Zurich, em 29/6:

    Dresden review 23/5:

    Filadélfia review 9/5:


    20 de julho, Till Eulenspiegel.

  • Ademir dos Anjos says:

    Dear MR. Lebrecht, I am afraid you has been misinformed. The FOSB management did not invited the 33 sacked musicians to resume their former jobs. In fact, they propose the creation of a new, undervalued ensemble to accommodate those musicians, and has done so with the clear purpose of calm down the scene to try to start the season. They chose to disclose that now, passing over the alleged conversations with the 33, also to divert attention of Masur’s cancellation.
    Also, the new “three-person artistic committee”, has only two members, both known as producers, and no musician or musicologist at sight…